Welcome to Behavior Doctor Seminars. We have a new look, a new teaching platform, but the same great content. Take a look!


Quick tidBits

We are planning a new adventure for educators: A Subscription Service to give you 24/7 access to our entire site. Keep watching for more information.

We still have free materials for you to download, including the sensory chapters.

We now have online training modules for professional development.

We offer a wide variety of prices and purchasing licenses for individuals and institutions. There are free overviews of most seminars available at www.teacheropedia.com, or you may link from the descriptions below.

As always, you may contact Dr. Riffel at caughtyoubeinggood@gmail.com for any questions. 

The following list of courses is just the titles of the course, for more information, download the

2024 Course Catalog

or visit our website: www.teacheropedia.com 

Our Company is Based on Providing Evidence-Based Interventions to Help Find Success for Every Student

Here is a list of our most popular courses. The link above has more descriptions available. We strive to provide professional development the way you’d like to receive it: In small increments at your own pace. Even though a course may be 6 hours long, the platform allows you to watch for 30 minutes, leave and come back right where you left off.

  • Addressing Bullying Conclusively (Elementary)
  • Addressing Bullying Conclusively (Secondary)
  • Administrative Overview of Universal Behavior Support
  • Alphabet Soup for Pre-K through First Grade
  • Alphabet Soup for Second through Fifth Grade
  • Alphabet Soup for Secondary
  • Anxiety and Stress in the Classroom
  • Behavioral Health and the Importance of Self-Regulation as it Relates to Mental Health and School Climate
  • Behavioral Intervention Planning from a Functional Behavior Assessment
  • Building a Dignified Life for Learners with Special Needs
  • Building a Sense of Belonging at the Secondary Level
  • Building and Maintaining Relationships with Students
  • Building and Maintaining Relationships with Students When You Have Limited Time with Each Student
  • Classroom Management Tier Two Strategies
  • Classroom Management Tier Two Strategies
  • Classroom Management Tier Two Strategies
  • Competing Pathway Chart to Change Behavior
  • Competing Pathways of Behavior Two Hour Course
  • Dolls in Your Classroom
  • Duct Tape is Not a Behavioral Intervention
  • Dyslexia Strategies for Family Members
  • Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Self-Regulation Through Amygdala Recalibration Stations
  • Everything They Forgot to Teach You at the University About Teaching Students
  • Evidence-Based Interventions
  • Flipping the Script on Academic and Social Proficiency
  • Flipping the Script on Behavior is Learned and Serves a Purpose
  • Flipping the Script on Behavior is Related to the Context
  • Flipping the Script on Behavior Rating Sheets
  • Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns
  • Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns for Family Members
  • Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns Pre-K through Second Grade
  • Flipping the Script on Childhood Meltdowns Third through Sixth Grade
  • Flipping the Script on Classroom Meltdowns
  • Flipping the Script on Data is Not a Four-Letter Word
  • Flipping the Script on Dealing with Non-Compliance
  • Flipping the Script on Developing a Behavioral Intervention Plan
  • Flipping the Script on Escaping Functions of Behaviors
  • Flipping the Script on Functional Behavior Assessments
  • Flipping the Script on Functions of Behavior
  • Flipping the Script on Gaining Functions of Behaviors
  • Flipping the Script on How Long it Takes for a Behavioral Intervention to Work
  • Flipping the Script on Improving Behavior by 80%
  • Flipping the Script on Jen Ratio
  • Flipping the Script on Our Reactions to Behaviors
  • Flipping the Script on Philanthropy
  • Flipping the Script on Power over Emotions
  • Flipping the Script on Public Relations
  • Flipping the Script on Targeting Behaviors
  • Flipping the Script on Teenage Meltdowns-Sixth through Twelfth Grade
  • Flipping the Script on Toddler Bedtime
  • Flipping the Script on Turning an FBA into a BIP
  • Free and Low-Cost Reinforcers
  • Functional Behavior Analysis
  • Functional Behavior Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning
  • Functional Behavior Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning
  • Georgia School Climate
  • Getting Children to Bed on Time
  • Group Contingencies-Group Reinforcers
  • Help, My Class is Out of Control
  • Help, My School Climate is Sinking
  • How Family Members Can Support School Climate by Focusing on Mental Health Strategies with Their Children
  • How to Build a Mental Health Fair for Family Members to Improve School Climate and Mental Health Awareness
  • How to Make a Hands-Free Hand Sanitizer
  • How to Stop Playing Whack a Mole with Your Behavioral Intervention Planning
  • How to Use a Social Autopsy
  • How to Use the FBA Data Tool
  • Important Activities for Family Members to Raise Happy and Healthy Children
  • In the Heat of a Meltdown with a Pre-K through Second Grader: What Should You Do?
  • In the Heat of a Meltdown with a Pre-Teen or Teenager: What Should You Do?
  • Including Family Members in Your Whole School Universal Behavior Support Program
  • Increasing Your Jen Ratio and That of Your Students
  • Interventions for the Manifestations of Emotional Behavior Disorders
  • Interventions for the Manifestations of Emotional Behavior Disorders
  • Issues Stemming from the Pandemic Related to School Climate
  • It’s the Middle of the Year and I’m Stressed
  • Leadership Skills for Guiding Staff, Family Members, and Community Members in Supporting School Climate Through Behavioral Health Training
  • Mental Health and the Importance of Physical Education Classes, Sports, and Physical Activity in the Curriculum as it Relates to School Climate
  • Mental Health for Schools (all three tiers)
  • Mitigating the Most Difficult Behaviors in the Classroom
  • Non-Medicated Interventions for Learners with ADHD with an Emphasis on Anxiety
  • Non-Medicated Interventions for Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  • Our Brains and Our Emotions
  • Over Prompting
  • Positive Behavior Support for Transportation Providers
  • Positive Interventions and Effective Strategies for Pre-K through First Grade
  • Preschool-Second Grade Diagnosis, Accommodations, Modifications, and Strategies of Dyslexia
  • Principles for Principals
  • Putting the “FUN” in Functional Behavior Assessment-Preschool
  • Putting the “FUN” in Functional Behavior Assessment-Elementary
  • Putting the “FUN” in Functional Behavior Assessment-Secondary
  • Putting Out Behavioral Fires in the Post-Pandemic Classroom
  • Quantum Secrets for Creating a Quality Life for Learners with Autism
  • Reinforcing Replacement Behaviors
  • Schoolwide Mental Health at the Tier Three Level
  • Schoolwide Mental Health at the Tier Two Level
  • Schoolwide Mental Health at the Universal Level
  • Secondary Students: Diagnosis, Accommodations, Modifications, and Strategies of Dyslexia
  • Taking Care of Ourselves for School Personnel
  • Tattling or Reporting: A Presentation for Pre-K through First-Grade Students
  • Teaching Social Skills for Pre-K through First Grade
  • Ten Rules that Govern Behavior for Educators
  • Ten Rules that Govern Behavior for Family Members
  • The Anxiety Epidemic: Preschool-Second Grade
  • The Anxiety Epidemic: Third-Twelfth Grade
  • The Science of Motivation for Elementary Students
  • The Science of Motivation for Secondary Students
  • The Terrific Twos
  • Third-Sixth Grade: Diagnosis, Accommodations, Modifications, and Strategies for Dyslexia
  • Understanding Anxiety
  • Understanding and Implementing Interventions for Internalizing Behaviors – Elementary
  • Understanding and Implementing Interventions for Internalizing Behaviors – Secondary
  • Understanding Anxiety Through the Brain with Interventions for Kindergarten-Second Grade
  • Universal Behavior Support

Dr. Riffel’s expertise and qualifications are evident in each video.  The videos are research-based, and she presents the material clearly and effectively.  Dr. Riffel discusses real-life scenarios that help to understand and apply each concept or content area in a user-friendly way. 


In my 14 years as a principal, I had the opportunity to attend several of Dr. Riffel’s in-person workshops with multiple staff members. Each training session was fabulous. We returned to school after every training with highly effective interventions, increased knowledge, and a deeper understanding of how to effectively help students become successful.  


The bonus of Dr. Riffel’s training in video format is the multiple ways they can be utilized to meet the various needs of each staff member.  They can be used on numerous days, single-day, two-hour early dismissals, or one-hour faculty meetings for professional development.  They can also be utilized in professional development plans for individual staff members.  Regardless of how you use the videos for professional development, they can all be completed self-paced, ensuring that each staff member understands the concepts to implement in their classroom or the strategies used school-wide.   


I have utilized Dr. Riffel’s content in every school I have worked at, and now I will use this format to train staff members in all aspects of student behavior and how to implement interventions, strategies, and structures to help all students be successful.



Terri Lemos

MTSS Coordinator


Meet Dr. Riffel

Dr. Riffel began her quest working with children at the Kansas School for the Blind in 1972. This led to her love of helping all children find success. Over the years, Laura has enjoyed working in the following capacities:

  • Pre-K-12th Grade general and special education teacher
  • Taught adjudicated high school students
  • Taught Applied Behavior Analysis for Classroom Teachers at Georgia State University
  • Webmaster for www.pbis.org from 1999-2012
  • Worked on the SLIIDEA Project
  • Statewide Coordinator for the Behavioral Intervention Program
  • Day Clinic Supervisor
  • Numerous Grants
  • International Speaker on the topics of universal, tier two, and tier three behavioral supports
  • Developed a free FBA Data Graphing Tool
  •  Authored Numerous Books, Chapters, and Articles
  • Housemate to an adult friend with autism